Learn React

When I was doing some research about the right way to learn React JS, I come across this excellent React Developer RoadMap, which outlines what is mandatory, what is good to know, and what is some extra stuff you can learn as a React developer.

Learn React for free

The ultimate React 101 – the perfect starting point for any React beginner. Learn the basics of modern React by solving 140+ interactive coding challenges and building eight fun projects.


If you are serious about your React skills, I strongly suggest you look at these courses.

Amazing React Projects

Collection of amazing open source React & React native projects


Codecademy React 101: https://www.codecademy.com/courses/react-101

Codecademy Introduction to JavaScript: https://www.codecademy.com/learn/introduction-to-javascript

Codecademy Learn Redux: https://www.codecademy.com/courses/learn-redux

Google Calendar Clone with React

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